News blast

Just a few items about book-related stuff and then I’ll hopefully have the time for a substantive post. I probably can’t convince you of this, but every single second of Feb. made me feel insane and busy.

There’s a nice review of BANDING TOGETHER in the Times Higher Education today. So far, the line about me picking up a “poisoned chalice” has garnered the most attention, but I am friendly to a part at the end: “Banding Together is an essential read for fans of popular music, thanks in no small part to Lena’s wealth of music knowledge, as the book draws together the studies of music communities and music genres into a coherent whole.”

The Campaign for the American Reader has posted a little brief about the book.

I entered (and GOT AN A) the Page 99 Test, and so you can read my defense for how well the content on Page 99 represents the book’s argument at that link.

Finally, adding my voice to those directing you toward the new blog, Organizational Musings.

NOT SO QUICK: Also wanted to post two other links:

1. The Magnificent Map of Rap Names, h/t JN.

2. People say last week’s 30 Rock was an all-timer. You can watch it free for some amount of time. It’s on my Thursday night lineup.

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